미주예술원다루 메인


About Daroo & Purpose



About Daroo & Purpose

Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Korean traditional music and performing arts, as well as passing on the legacy and spirit of Korean culture to future generations. Since its inception in 2007, Daroo has provided numerous opportunities for music and arts performances, including the highly anticipated Annual Korean Traditional Music & Arts Festival, which has been held annually since 2013. This festival brings together performers of all ages and backgrounds from across the United States to showcase their skills and talents. Daroo also operates the fusion music group "Haemil" to further promote Korean music and culture, blending traditional Korean music with modern elements to create a unique and contemporary sound. In pursuit of its mission, the organization is committed to cultivating talented individuals in traditional Korean music and arts, and to sharing Korean culture with other community groups. Daroo's services benefit not only Koreans, but also other ethnic groups, including young people and low-income seniors, who may have limited access to cultural activities and resources. Through its programs and performances, Daroo seeks to inspire pride in Korean culture and to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of Korea's rich artistic traditions.


우리문화의 뿌리를 찾는 활동을 통해 뛰어난 한국문화를 되새기고 미주지역 한인에게는 정체성을 확립하고 한국문화에 대한 자긍심을 고취시키고 타인종에게 우수한 전통문화를 널리 알리고자 함. 재능있는 예비국악인을 발굴하고 지원함으로 한국국악의 전통을 계승, 발전시키고자 하며 다음과 같은 목표를 가지고 있음.

  • 1) 우리문화의 우수성을 미주지역에 알리고 우리민족의 자긍심과 애국심 고취
  • 2) 미주 지역 한인들에게 한국인으로서의 정체성을 갖게 함.
  • 3) 뿌리가 약해져 가는 한국문화를 자라나는 세대에게 물려주고 전통을 계승, 발전시킴
  • 4) 자라나는 꿈나무에게 희망을 주고 한국문화를 알리는 인재양성
  • 5) 타인종에게 우리전통문화를 알리고 한류문화를 미주지역에 자리잡게 함

주소 :
1220 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019

전화 :
213-383-2782, F)213-383-2780, C)714-576-9284