미주예술원다루 메인


Donate and Make an Impact


Your commitment and assistance carry forward the Korean legacy.

For the sake of future generations,
engage in remarkable and meaningful endeavors within your reach.

Support Options

You can choose to make regular or one-time donations. Your contributions will be thoughtfully utilized where help is needed.

Regular Donation:

Support us with a monthly recurring donation.

One-time Donation:

Make a single, impactful donation to Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture.

Methods of Donation
Online Donation:
Bank Transfer

Bank: Hanmi Bank

Account Name: Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture

Account number: 500424656
Routing number 122039399

Check or Money Order:
Write a check or money order payable to
"Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture" and mail it to:
[1220 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019]

Your donation will make a difference.

Daroo Korean Performing Arts and Culture

주소 :
1220 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019

전화 :
213-383-2782, F)213-383-2780, C)714-576-9284